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Jul 27, 2012
TITLE:  Monica Caught Naked in the Pool
Betty catches Monica naked in the pool, as well as what looks like a phantom guest leaving the property. When asked, Monica lies through her teeth about Aaron being over, in the pool with her. She is spanked on the spot next to the pool with a wooden spoon. Unfortunately during the spanking the spoon breaks and Betty tells her to get inside. Monica is then spanked with another wooden spoon and sent to her room.
Jul 27, 2012
TITLE:  Danielle Paddled Outside
Danielle is marched outside and is put on display in preparation of her paddling. The Dean makes an example out of her, as she wants to walk around The Institute in her panties and bra. She is paddled hard on her bare bottom and left outside in time out on her knees.
Jul 27, 2012
TITLE:  Brian Punished by Betty (Part 3 of 3)
Betty finds Brian lounging by the pool rather than finishing the chores he was previously punished for. Luckily she has a spoon in hand and tells him to bend over for a punishment that will help him remember in the future.