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Nov 25, 2022
TITLE:  A Double Belting for Stevie (Part 2 of 2)
Stevie waits in her bedroom for Mr. M. Upon his arrival, he delivers a hard belting to her bare bottom, then leaves her to go to bed.
Nov 25, 2022
TITLE:  No Bra (Part 3 of 4)
The Dean returns to the girls and sets them up for a hard strapping to follow the hand spanking. Maya is told to lay on a stool with her legs elevated. The Dean gives her a hard strapping while switching sides to even it out. Ella waits nervously for her turn.
Nov 25, 2022
TITLE:  Bailey: Spanked at Camp
Bailey is given a hard spanking for a nasty prank she played on one of the girls at camp.
Nov 25, 2022
TITLE:  Brandi Sent Home For Fighting
Brandi is spanked for getting sent home for fighting at school.
Nov 25, 2022
TITLE:  Tanner is Late Meeting Betty (Part 2 of 2)
Betty asks Tanner for his assignment, and he admits he doesn't have it. The whole reason for the study session was to go over his paper. Disgusted, Betty tells him to bend over the table for a strapping. He is strapped with the tawse over his pants and on the bare bottom and then sent on his way.
Nov 25, 2022
TITLE:  Amber's Spanking Test
Amber is spanked by Betty as a test.
Nov 25, 2022
TITLE:  Cindy: Strapped for Slacking
Cindy is given a strapping on her bare bottom after she is caught slacking off during work.