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May 26, 2017
TITLE:  Kestrel: Kicked Out of the Pool
Kestrel is sent home after being banned from the local pool. She was caught smoking weed with some friends. Betty bends her over in her bathing suit and straps her hard.
May 26, 2017
TITLE:  London's Failed Cornertime (Part 1)
The Dean decides against a spanking for London, based on a very minor infraction, and instead places her in fully naked corner time for all to see. When he checks on her, he sees that she is trying to cover her naked body from prying eyes. She is placed in a very exposed position for a long and thorough handspanking, then placed back in cornertime.
May 26, 2017
TITLE:  Bailey Gets Something to Cry About
Bailey is brought into the living room and given something she can really cry about, a hard strapping on the bare from Ms. Burns.
May 26, 2017
TITLE:  Travis' Long Session (part 1 of 4)
Travis arrives and is instructed to warm himself up. Miss Betty then continues to spank him on his bare bottom with her hand.